>How to reduce the effects of covid-19 through technology

How is teleworking affecting companies?  After a week all confined to the house, we can draw very valuable conclusions. Let’s…
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How is teleworking affecting companies? 

After a week all confined to the house, we can draw very valuable conclusions. Let’s put it in context: There are many countries that are still not characterized by a high number of workers working from home, quite the opposite, as is the case in Spain or Italy for example.

The famous Coronavirus has drastically changed this situation, forcing institutions, companies and individuals to take certain actions to stop the spread of the disease.

For example, companies have had to adapt to the circumstances and have implemented teleworking, both for precautionary reasons and to be able to continue with business activity, thus trying to mitigate the barriers imposed by the pandemic.

But are our companies prepared to continue business by making use of remote working?

According to data provided by the International Council for Small Enterprises, SMEs account for more than 90% of all businesses, generate 60-70% of employment and are responsible for 50% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) worldwide.

It goes without saying that large entities will have no problem in setting up teleworking systems that will enable them to continue to operate, thanks to their enormous resources. The problem comes with all those small and medium enterprises and self-employed that cannot adapt to this new situation, due to obvious issues related to the economic capacity to cope with telework systems, or so they think.

Let’s see how technology has favoured those companies that are constantly adapting and already use the latest technological tools:

  • The number of people working remotely is growing. Because of this, companies must provide secure access to company systems, data and applications to their workers so that they can do the same work from home as they do from the office.
  • Your team will be able to sign in, indicate that they are available for the rest of the team, indicate that they have gone on a break, or have gone to lunch from anywhere and at any time, via Web or APP. In this way, you will also be improving your company’s internal communication.
  • Besides, you can control in real-time which people in your team are working at all times
  • Technology is the ideal solution for monitoring and controlling tasks that allows the right organization of company resources. If you follow something based on the technology you will save many processes, paperwork and, once well implemented, you will save a lot of time and costs.
  • Optimize your decisions with HR reports and KPIs. Customized reports on tasks, work times and productivity. With certain tools, you can link your different teams with HR, and easily align all teams and evaluation processes.
  • Apart from this, workers who are given the confidence to work from home, have been shown to take on more responsibility in managing their working hours at home and companies gain in flexibility and dynamism.

Sectors that benefit most from working from home

Working remotely presents challenges but also significant opportunities for companies. But can any productive sector bet on teleworking? Conceptually, yes, but realistically, it is clear that some sectors are more compatible with remote working than others.

Technology-based companies are, by their very nature, the most open to working from home. The fact that a significant part of daily activity is completed from conventional computer equipment makes it easier for these tasks to be transferred to the home.

Of course, as we have indicated, all companies are likely to take advantage of teleworking, it just remains to be seen how. What we can tell you is that with the right custom software, you will discover the reduction in costs and time, and see how you reduce problems, processes and achieve a 360-degree optimization throughout your company, both internally and externally. Both your customers and your employees can enjoy these advantages.

Having said that, we will be very happy to discuss and see what tools we can use in your company to optimize it at a technological level and thus allow you to adapt to any circumstances that may affect you “offline”.

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